College Signing for Bryson Zimmerman
We will have a signing next Monday, January 13th at Blackhawk Christian at 3:15pm. Bryson Zimmerman will be signing his letter of intent to continue his soccer career at Anderson University. This will take place at 3:15pm in Room 173 at the High School. Everyone can enter at Door #3 at the high school after 3pm. Congratulations Bryson!
Upcoming Dates
- January 15-Callout meeting at lunch for HS girls tennis and HS track and field
- January 30-Senior Night for Girls Basketball and Swimming
- February 4-8- Girls Basketball Sectional
- February 6, 8-Girls Swimming Sectional
- February 20,22-Boys Swimming Sectional
- February 27-Senior Night for Boys Basketball
Winter Indoor Soccer Camp
Our best for his glory! Boys and girls from kindergarten to 8th grade are welcome and encouraged to come out, play and grow in the game they love! We focus on combining joy with development during the camp with fun games, foot skills development, and real game application!
Each camp-goer will also receive a T-shirt and a surprise gift!
Soccer Camp Registration Link (Click Here)
WHEN: January 24, 31, February 7, 21, 28 (No camp on Feb. 14 due to Winter Break)
Make up Date in case of School Cancellation: Tuesday, February 25th
- Lower Elementary: (grades K, 1, 2): 4:30pm-5:30pm
- Upper Elementary: (grades 3, 4, 5): 5:30pm-6:30pm
- Middle School: (grades 6, 7, 8): 6:30pm-7:30pm
STAFF: BCS coaches, guest coaches, & high school players
North Campus/BCS Intermediate School Gymnasium: 7321 E. State Blvd, Door # 10
- Complete registration Online link will be sent out to BCS parent email, Chalk Marks, BCS Athletics update
- Payment (explained below, under "cost")
- Tennis shoes/indoor soccer cleats
- Shin guards (optional but encouraged, available at Wal-Mart, Meijer, Dicks, ect.)
- $75 per player
- $60, for BCS Staff
- $20 for drop in, (registration will still need to be filled out) online or this paper copy
Pay through online registration, if online is unavailable, then cash or check made out to BCS or Blackhawk Christian School.
Youth Football Parent Meeting
There will be a meeting next week for players and parents that are interested in learning more about football for Grades 1-6. This meeting will take place on Thursday, January 16th at 6pm in the Intermediate school chapel. Please view the flier below for more information.