Matt Brandenberger » Matt Brandenberger- 6th Grade Science, Social Studies, and Bible

Matt Brandenberger- 6th Grade Science, Social Studies, and Bible

Hi! My name is Matt Brandenberger and this is my first year as the 6th grade Science, Social Studies, and Teacher. I am so excited that the Lord led me back to Blackhawk, where I graduated back in 1997. I taught and served as a Technology Coordinator at FWCS for nearly 20 years before coming to BCS. My wife, Abby, and I have been married for 22 years. We have five daughters who all attend Blackhawk. Hannah is a sophomore, Olivia is in 8th grade, Emiline in 5th, Parker in 4th, and Elinor is in 3rd. I love teaching at the school where my kids attend and I love being able to share my faith through the content I teach on a daily basis. Our family is big into Pickleball and Abby and I compete at a national level. We also enjoy sports of all forms and it's so fun seeing the girls compete here at school. My favorite passage in the Bible comes from Philippians 4 where it reads in part: "...and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."