Blackhawk Christian School Home

BCS by the IDOE Numbers Image

BCS by the IDOE Numbers

BCS Exceeds the state average in all metrics.  We know that students are more than a single test score. In addition to academic mastery, Indiana Department of Education will elevate a number of key characteristics essential to preparing Indiana's students for their futures, whether they choose employment, enrollment, or enlistment leading to service.
Preparing Hearts and Minds to Serve Christ
Academic Excellence – employing educational practices, methods, technology and tools that exceed state and national standards; empowering students to reach their full potential and prepare them for their educational and vocational future.
Biblical Foundation – utilizing curriculum and instruction that recognizes that all truth and knowledge is rooted in God’s divinely inspired Word and that imparts a Biblical worldview to students so they see themselves, others, and their world through Christ’s eyes.
Christ Centered Community – providing a relationally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and morally safe environment, led by administrators, staff, and teachers, who in partnership with parents, model Christ and serve as examples for students to develop Christ-centered lives.

News & Announcements

The Secret Garden - BCT Spring Musical Featured Photo

The Secret Garden - BCT Spring Musical

Blackhawk Christian Theatre will perform their Spring Musical, The Secret Garden, complete with a live Orchestra, March 20, 21, and 22. Click for tickets and additional information.
Open for Business! Featured Photo

Open for Business!

We are super excited to start holding classes in the New Fine Arts Wing. The students and staff are getting used to the new digs. Click for for pictures.
Enrollment News Update! Featured Photo

Enrollment News Update!

Open enrollment cycle for grades 1st-11th is underway. Kindergarten enrollment and Preschool for all families has begun as well. Go to the Admissions pages on our website for applications and more information.

Upcoming Events